The Clarex Experience

What I love about life is the variety of activities, jobs and events I am lucky enough to be involved in.  The other side of that token is that they sometimes make my life hard to balance.  CLAREX allows me to take in my day and all the comes with it one task at a time.  With so much input coming from so many direction, having CLAREX clarity helps me answer the day’s questions one at a time.  Eliminating my mental limits leaves me focused and ready to let my life be as abundant as I want it to be.
Sarah C., Yoga instructor and health enthusiast

“Clarex has become part of my supplement routine to keep me focused on my studies to become a health coach, while being a single woman, a fitness athlete, and an entrepreneur.  Timemanagement is crucial to maintain a balance on all fronts and CLAREX helps me stay there, even on those days when life throws a curve ball.”
Lori H., Health coach and fitness athlete

“Clarex is legitimately a dose of cognitive clarity.  I have been diagnosed with ADHD, and was prescribed medications to help me with my studies.  These medications became problematic for my active and healthy lifestyle as my appetite and sleep schedule were both distorted.  These days, I take a couple of Clarex in the morning and I’m good to go for the whole day.  I can nap between classes and eat properly after working out or surfing. I find that Clarex gives me the additional focus and mental clarity that helps me streamline my busy collegiate life.  I feel much healthier now that I am taking Clarex.”
Peter S., College student and surfer

“The life of a musician is not always glamorous as it’s made out to be.  Lots of late nights of packing up equipment on the road turn into early morning drives to the next state.  Whether I need to focus after a long night on tour, or meet a 9 a.m. deadline after a show, CLAREX helps me power through and get it all done.”
Noah A., Musician and web designer

“As a former competitive body builder and working professional, I had tried everything, trying to reach that extra edge.  Pre-workout energy drinks would work for short periods of time, and then drop me, mid task.  I took Clarex with my energy drinks and immediately noticed and increase in focus and cognitive thought.  It was an amazing feeling.  I told all of my lifting buddies and work associates.  CLAREX! where were you 10 years ago? I have an increased quality of life because I can now look at that day knowing that focus is one tablet away.  I want to meet the guys that invented this stuff.  Thank you for the clarity.”
Eric B., Fitness enthusiast

I’ve been taking Clarex for nearly a month and have seen some significant improvements in my overall well-being.  I have struggled to find the quintessential work life to pay the bills and mortgage while maintaining an active, healthly lifestyle.  Now that I’m working in Boston and am commuting from out of state (Rhode Island), I experience long exhaustive days. I take Clarex daily (sometimes twice) and have found it gives me the cognitive focus without the crash of caffeine pills and energy drinks. I can even savor some of the edge for a work out at the gym when I get home, knowing too that what I’m taking is completely composed of natural ingredients. It’s not the ultimate happy pill, don’t think one exists, nor should it, but Clarex comes honestly close to achieving that. Thank you,
Timothy R., IT administrator

  1. Clarex gives you a clean awareness sensation. As a graphic designer I felt like it really improves my focus to tackle creative tasks.

  2. Hi-I liked Clarex in that it kept me a little more alert. I did have difficulty though because it really fired up my hot flashes. I was having hot flashes one right after the other and the only thing I changed was taking Clarex. When I stopped,taking Clarex, the hot flashes came back to their regular frequency which is maybe one per day. I would recommend the product, but be aware if you are peri-menopausal it may have this side effect. Unfortunately I am unable to take Clarex because of this; maybe once my body completes its transition to menopause I will be able to resume taking Clarex.

  3. Clarex is wonderful keep you very alert when your tired would purchase this again

  4. Love Clarex I even have my mom taking them

  5. Clarex has worked fantastic, both as a study aid and as a post-workout supplement. Being a graduate student and competitive athlete, Clarex has become an essential part of my day. I highly recommend it!

  6. As a research fellow at Harvard, being at the top of my game is an absolute must. Thank God I found Clarex – your ultimate mental clarity recovery formula. I found that it really helps me to focus mentally and think critically. Additionally, I have been working out on Shaun T’s T25 and found that Clarex also helps in the recovery process. Definitely highly recommend this nutritional supplement!

  7. Great product if you are in a detail oriented business. Advertising is the game and Clarex works fabulously. Also, pre-workout, focus! Have started doing TRX, great support. Love, love, love it!

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